Ode to the Activist


Never did I think that I would become an activist at this stage of my life. I am sure that I share this sentiment with many others who have found themselves compelled to get involved in the search for truth on the global situation that has so dominated our focus over the last 2 years and more. It goes without saying that we are going through ‘unprecedented times’, cliché though it has become, and many have answered the call to do what they can to help expose, highlight and correct some blatant mistruths that have put our populace into such a state of fear and compliance.

 We, the activists, are a group of people from all walks of life, professional and other, dedicated to finding and exposing the truth about the current world circumstances that we are collectively experiencing related to the pandemic. Some of us are seasoned activists and some of us rank newbies; yet despite our varied backgrounds, we are united in the singular focus of deciphering the truth of the situation that humanity has found itself in.

 We could not remain on the side-lines just observing. It was just not an option and this is not something that we could easily explain to those who chose to not get involved. We also acknowledge that there are no rights or wrongs here and that we all have our own path to follow and are all dealing with the situation in our individual ways as best we can.

 We have endeavoured to keep up with the latest research in order to make sense of the rapidly changing landscape of health-related information and the dictates and restrictions that have so affected our lives. We have each spent countless hours poring over the latest scientific articles, trying to keep abreast of the plethora of ever-expanding information, while exercising discernment in order to differentiate between propaganda, pseudo- and real science. We have exchanged and debated ideas and information as we know that open debate will help keep us honest and aware and we acknowledge that it is realistic to not be in agreement on every point.

 Though our participation has involved gleaning as much factual information as we can in our attempts to make sense of our current situation, and though we remain very busy in that area, it is our hearts that are on lead and the driving force behind our cause. Important though it is, our quest is not just about gathering and disseminating data, but also about heart, for if we did not come from that centre, we would not have thrown our hats into the ring.

 We uphold the ideals of freedom, sovereignty, community, truth, transparency and informed choice. We are united in opposing political, corporate and medical tyranny and ensuring that accurate information is available to the populace to help enable freedom of choice. We uphold the principles of bodily integrity, freedom of movement and freedom of speech. 

 We have seen disproportionate and extreme measures taken against the threat of contagion, with the world’s population becoming universally ‘germ phobic’, while the real threat hides in the shadows. We have seen people rewarded and praised for righteously following the rules while others are shunned and attacked for questioning those same dictates. We are seeing politicians, technocrats and corporations dominate health care, with the health care practitioner forced to do their bidding. We are aware that medical tyranny is being barely disguised, as medical apartheid steadily creeps into our society.

 We have observed the authorities, medical and political, publicly throw out statements that defy all valid science, available evidence and common sense. We have repeatedly heard mantras such as ‘safe and effective’ that reek of dogma and deceit rather than considered, balanced and honest information. We have been aghast at the vested interests, double standards, hypocrisies and confusions that we have observed, but that so many seem to be unaware of or just ignore.

 We are aware that people, for a very long time, have been programmed to believe that the saviour is something external to themselves, whether it be a person, institution or medical device. The wisdom of our own bodies and the healing bounty of the natural world have taken second place to what can be produced in a laboratory. We have witnessed the invalidation of our body’s natural defences, as anti-nature and anti-life measures are enforced in the pretence that it will keep us healthy; while people, in a frenzy of cult-like fervour, rush to get the synthetic, artificial and experimental injected into their unsuspecting bodies.

We acknowledge that really effective health directives are steeped in flexibility, compassion, wisdom and an in-depth understanding of the human condition; rather than rigid, heartless, ‘one-size-fits-all’, draconian dictates. We uphold the sovereignty of the individual in choosing what medical interventions they might agree to – or decline – and we support that they be guided by unbiased information rather than dogma and domination.

 We have balked at the platitudes such as ‘keeping us safe’ and ‘for the greater good’ and the gestures of ‘goodism’ that have corralled people into complying to barely disguised draconian dictates and impositions. We have seen innocent, though naïve, people maintain their trust in the system while their freedoms have been systematically removed in exchange for promises of safety – that no-body can give.

 We have seen common sense fly out the window as people give in to non-sensible rules and regulations that defy all valid scientific evidence of any benefit. We have seen many who comply so as to not stand out from the crowd and risk rejection from their communities. We have seen innocent people regress to an almost child-like state and bow down to the most authoritative voice in the belief that they will save them; and we understand that many people, though misguided, are trying to be good citizens and do their best to protect themselves and others.

 We are aware that our basic survival fears are being manipulated at every turn, in an effort to control and silence us, and that blatant blackmail is being used to force people to comply to what they never usually would. We know that people are coerced to make some very difficult decisions in order to keep their jobs and feed their families. We are alarmed by how easily the masses are unwittingly swayed by the mind control and psychological tactics meticulously applied by the few.

 We have witnessed the maddening inversion where left is called right, up is called down; where safe, accessible, affordable, proven and effective therapies have been banned for use in the unwell while experimental, novel and inadequately tested medical devices are being forced upon the largely healthy population; where injection passports are being touted even though these medical interventions have never been proven to stop transmission of the virus; where the oxymoron ‘settled science’ denies that science is ever-evolving; where a ‘case’ is a positive test result, using an inaccurate test, rather than a clinically unwell person; where an atmosphere of emergency and alarm has people forget the very high survival rate of this infection and where ‘States of Emergency’ are extended with no justification and whole states hysterically shut down in response to a hand full of ‘cases’.

 We have experienced great anguish as we have witnessed many people, including some of our loved ones, be herded like lemmings towards that proverbial cliff as they obey those who they believe know better and have their best interests at heart. Not a vested interest or agenda in sight. We have seen the majority of people willingly be tracked and traced, coded, swabbed, masked, isolated, separated and injected with experimental medical technologies in the unexamined belief that it is for their protection. All in the name of health care. Health care has never looked so bad.

 We have observed the ruthless and relentless propaganda machine of the main stream media continuously spewing out rabid embellishment of the crisis in order to maintain the pitch of fear and panic, while studiously avoiding any broadcast that might offer some balanced debate and assuage the collective trauma. We have seen sycophants, the bought, the bribed and the threatened, pop up like mushrooms as people reveal who they really be.

 We have been subject to unparalleled censorship of anything that does not blindly follow the agreed upon narrative and have lamented the loss of freedom of speech and differences of opinion. We have witnessed previously held sedulous professional values, such as ‘firstly doing no harm’ and the diligent assessment of the pros and cons of any proposed procedure, be cast aside in favour of the obedient parroting of the prevailing dogma. We have seen medical ethics and the principles of the Hippocratic oath and the Nuremberg code be dismissed in favour of unproven and harmful protocols that defy individuals’ inalienable rights.

 We are living through times where any medical or scientific voice that challenges the party line is either discredited, ridiculed, banned or all three. Freedom of speech seems to be long gone as is our right to make an observation, have a debate or offer an opinion.

Many individuals or groups will not openly discuss what they really believe because of their fear of losing their incomes, their status, their reputations or being seen to be associated with what some might consider to be the radical fringe. Many prefer to hide within the seemingly civilised, quiet, moderate majority or cling to their dubious inclusion in select privileged groups, rather than risk standing in their own individuality.

 We have seen honour and courage too easily give way to complacency and obsequiousness, while knowing that no-one is to blame and everyone is playing their role. We have seen the resilience and fortitude that has strengthened humanity throughout the ages be long forgotten and replaced with fear-fuelled avoidance and narcissistic self-protection. We are grateful that there are many glowing exceptions to this and are comforted by knowing that the human spirit will find a way and forge on regardless.

 We have been subject to the ugly mob mentality that takes over normal decent human beings when they are in a state of abject fear and defence, causing them to view anyone who questions the narrative as the enemy. We have all been rejected by colleagues, friends and family members, who have cast us out as aberrant individuals who they no longer wish to associate with.

We have seen many turn away from the wrongs that are being committed against their fellow citizens because they would rather cling to the illusion that all is well than confront some uncomfortable realities; and many will condemn the messenger rather than face those very disturbing truths.

 We have risked all. Many of us have been ostracised, marginalised, abused, gas-lit, accused of being insane, invalidated and outright opposed. We have seen talented friends and colleagues lose their careers and incomes and be subject to shameless modern-day ‘witch-hunts’ by the powers who wish to shut them down. ‘Cancel culture’ is alive and well and decimating the once dearly held fabric of our society. Truth is the great threat to those who rely on deceit, hidden agendas and manipulation.

 We have shuddered at the level of corruption and darkness that is being revealed, incredulous that such depravity exists and hoping for a reprieve rather than waking each day into the nightmare. We have had to deal with our own cognitive dissonance as we dismantle our own illusions of the world that we thought we lived in, as we navigate the rapid societal changes that we are all experiencing.

 We have sat in our quiet moments, steeped in anguish and sometimes despair at the current state of the world and where it appears to be rapidly heading; yet not giving up and deciding to stand by our cause despite the seeming odds. We have realised that our task is to rise above the malice, knowing that through the murky dross the light is growing like the lotus emerging from the swamp.

 We navigate that delicate balance between bearing witness to the dark side of humanity and our world and holding a vision for a much brighter future; between not hiding from the horrors that are being revealed while entraining to a higher vibration to transcend what we so need to change.

 We have ‘held the line’ in the hope that sanity and humanity will somehow be restored in our societies. Though clearly in the minority, we have shared our perspectives, as best we can do in a climate of oppression and surveillance, in an attempt to counter the totalitarian regime that appears to have permeated most governments.

 We know that change can be difficult and is one of the greatest fears of humankind. We acknowledge that crises, though enormously challenging to endure, are about breaking down structures, institutions, belief systems and ways of being that no longer serve us and that we have long outgrown. We know that they occur and force change when we have ignored previous indications and cues.

We understand that fraught times such as these, as we dismantle and clean out the old, hold the potential for new beginnings and ultimately healthier communities and a much better way of being - that we hopefully can all share.

Dr Catherine Fyans is a retired holistic medical practitioner/conscious health facilitator and the author of The Wounding of Health Care: From Fragmentation to Integration












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